Fort XIV "Hurko"

Author: Tomasz IDZIKOWSKI


It is a fort in the north-eastern section of the Fortress defense, built around. 1884 to 1886 as an artillery fort with a twin-shaft, and modernized in 1900 as a single-shaft fort. The fort was next across the river from the fort of San XIII "Zabłocie", with whom it covered the fords and river crossings on the right side adjacent to a fort XV "Borek", which covered the road Lviv – Przemyśl. After allied Austrian and German troops lost the battle of Rawa Ruskanear Lviv, the fort covered the retreat 3rd and 4th divisions of the Austrian Army behind the river San. The heaviest fighting in this fort was on 6-7 October 1914, when there was an attack on the Siedliska group of forts. There were several instances of hand-to-hand combat on the shafts of the fort as the defeated machine gun crews refused to capitulate. Currently, the fort does not exist, as in 1975 during the expansion of Przemyśl-Medyka railway line the fort was dismantled and demolished for the construction of a future railway siding that has not yet been implemented.


Author: Tomasz IDZIKOWSKI


Creator of the text: Jacek Dzik

Bibliography and references:

Forester Franz - Twierdza Przemyśl, Warszawa 2000 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 2001 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Twierdza Przemyśl
Mini przewodnik, Przemyśl 2005 r.
Różański Jan - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 1980 r.