Fort X "Orzechowce"

Created on the basis of source materials by - Author: Tomasz Trojnar


Fort X "Orzechowce", is a defense point on the IV western section defending the fortress. The fort was completed around 1880, and is located about 7km from Przemyśl in the village Ujkowice. It is a twin-shaft, armored fort that controlled 3 gunrests and 2 auxiliary forts. The defensive installations were systematically modernized with new types of weapons, much like the construction of the fort itself. Ultimately, after modernization the fort was equipped with 4 80 mm cal. guns, two in each of the two traditors on the upper shaft of the fort, as well as armored batteries placed on the shaft's bottom. In the year 1896 in the Fortress maneuvers involving the Inspector General of Engineering and 17 generals were undertaken. The maneuvers saw genuine combat, and Fort X “Orzechowce” was fired at with real artillery shells in order to check its resistance to attack.

During the third siege of the Przemyśl Fortress, the fort became re-purposed as a massive artillery fort, this time by the German and Austrian artillery during the recapture of the Fortress.



Creator of the text: Jacek Dzik

Bibliography and references:

Forester Franz - Twierdza Przemyśl, Warszawa 2000 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 2001 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Twierdza Przemyśl
Mini przewodnik, Przemyśl 2005 r.
Różański Jan - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 1980 r.

The author of photos: Dariusz Strycharski