Fort VI "Iwanowa Góra"

Created on the basis of source materials by - Author: Tomasz Trojnar


Fort VI "Iwanowa Gora" commonly called fort "Helicha". It was built on the basis of seven-side earth and wooden rampart approximately in year1880 - later modernized. It was an artillery fort, single-shafted close to a close defense. It covered the south-western section of the defense. It was equipped in electric lighting, heating and telephone communication. It was located on a hill, which height was 370 meters. Foregrounds the fort were reinforced with earth stations for the infantry and the ramparts field in order to strengthen the defensive qualities of the object.



Creator of the text: Jacek Dzik

Bibliography and references:

Forester Franz - Twierdza Przemyśl, Warszawa 2000 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 2001 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Twierdza Przemyśl
Mini przewodnik, Przemyśl 2005 r.
Różański Jan - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 1980 r.