Fort V "Grochowce"

Created on the basis of source materials by - Author: Tomasz Trojnar


Fort V "Grochowce" was built around 1882-1886 r., modernized later. Located on a hill 285 meters above sea level near the village of the same name, about 7 kilommeters from Przemyśl. It is a work of structural engineer general major A. Werner. This is an artillery fort, single-shafted – it is in the VII southern section of the Przemyśl Fortress defense. The main strength of the fort was artillery which was placed on the shafts. In front of the shaft was a moat protected by a Carnot wall. Concrete barracks building was divided into many casemates connected by a corridor. There were barracks for soldiers and officers, some were food stores, kitchen and sanitary facilities. Part of the casemates were planted, and the postern leading to the caponier in the moat was also largely destroyed. Fort V cooperated and flanked the fire department mid-grounds and fore-grounds of Optyń and Ivanov Mountain forts. Fort Va "Grochowce Lesniczowka," which remains are on the right side of the road connecting fort Grochowce with VI Ivanov Mountain was subjected it as an auxiliary fort.

During the first siege held on 5-7 October 1914 the Russian soldiers started the assault in which they suffered huge losses reaching only 300m to the line of fortifications. Tothe great losses to the advancing troops undoubtedly contributed located nearby, holding a huge artillery fort IV Optyń conducting regular fire in the foreground of Grochowce fort.


Creator of the text: Jacek Dzik

Bibliography and references:

Forester Franz - Twierdza Przemyśl, Warszawa 2000 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 2001 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Twierdza Przemyśl
Mini przewodnik, Przemyśl 2005 r.
Różański Jan - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 1980 r.

The author of photos: Dariusz Strycharski