Fort II "Jaksmanice"

Created on the basis of source materials by - Author: Tomasz Trojnar


Construction of the fort began in the years 1854-1857, and its modernization was carried out in the years 1881-1900. The Fort has the shape of bastion with a dry moat. The shelters are located in cross members on the shaft. In the central part of the fort is the main block connected to the postern of the barracks – visible remains being their foundations and remnants of walls. The barracks were two-storied, linked to a further building, which housed the ammunition depot and a medical station. On both shoulders of the fort are two artillery traditors or casemates. The fort was partially blown up in 1915.


Creator of the text: Jacek Dzik

Bibliography and references:

Forester Franz - Twierdza Przemyśl, Warszawa 2000 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 2001 r.
Idzikowski Tomasz - Twierdza Przemyśl
Mini przewodnik, Przemyśl 2005 r.
Różański Jan - Forty Twierdzy Przemyśl, Przemyśl 1980 r.

The author of photos: Dariusz Strycharski